Indigenous Education


The Indigenous Success Team at Burnaby South Secondary provides enhanced programming and services to Indigenous students and their families. Our enhanced services are intended to create pathways to success for each and every Indigenous student within our school.

Indigenous Student and Family Support Programs

School-based services include, but are not limited to:

  • Cultural programming and enhancements
  • Academic tracking and enhancements
  • Access to specialized programming from Indigenous Youth Engagement worker (Victoria Toth)
  • Access to individualized services from Secondary Indigenous Success Teacher (Andrew Hunter)
  • One to one services for parents and students
  • Special field trips
  • Access to specialized scholarship and post-secondary information
  • Access to special school based and District events

Contact the Team Members

Team Member
Andrew Hunter Indigenous classroom Teacher A128
Deena Lewis VP C141
Roze Siska Counsellor C116
Victoria Toth Indigenous Youth Engagement A129

For more information on Indigenous Education in Burnaby Schools please visit:

If you are interested in becoming part of an Indigenous Parent Committee, please contact Rob Smyth, Principal of Indigenous Education at 604-296-6900 ext: 661019 or